Before the time of delivery arrived, pregnant women would have prepared everything related to the process. But in reality, childbirth may not be in accordance with what pregnant women have prepared. Childbirth can be a process that makes women feel raging. Feelings that arise vary, ranging from fear of childbirth to pleasure, because the wait after nine months containing the baby will be over. However, unexpected things might happen during labor. Unexpected Things That Can Happen During Labor The following are unexpected things that might occur during childbirth: 1. Defecate when pushing When pushing, pregnant women will use the muscles used to remove feces during bowel movements. These muscles are very strong and effective for pushing the baby through the birth canal. Because using the same muscle, pregnant women may pass stool during labor. No need to be embarrassed or feel bad, because it normally happens. Doctors and midwives are also used to dealing with it. They will imm...
Husbands need to be more patient in facing the mood swings felt by the wife during pregnancy. Mood changes that occur during pregnancy can make a woman feel irritable, cry, and get angry. Pregnant women can experience a bad mood or bad mood starting the first trimester of pregnancy. But after entering the second trimester, pregnant women may have begun to be able to control their mood. Various Causes of Bad Mood in Pregnant Women One factor that can make your wife experience a bad mood during pregnancy is a change in hormones. During pregnancy, the hormones estrogen and progesterone in the body will experience a significant increase. This is what affects the neurotransmitters (chemicals in the brain) that regulate mood. In addition to hormonal changes, other factors that can affect the mood of pregnant women are: Stress. Fatigue. Changes in body metabolism. Discomforts that arise during pregnancy, such as morning sickness, breast pain, and constipation. Troubling thoughts, ...